Hurricane Checklist

Hurricane Checklist#


This one is my own and is taylored for my location and circumstances but it might serve as a template for others.


rationalize this list - group items in categories

Prepare Generator - Do maintenance esp. oil change, check level.

back-feed pigtail to connect generator to house. See also Generator Operation Procedure

Gasoline Fuel - fuel can(s) - store safely

Propane - ensure sufficient

Sand Bags

Flash lights - and batteries (D for lantern)

Candles, butane lighters, maybe oil lamp and oil

Clorox, vinegar

Fresh water

Freeze water/ice if space available

Pump (12V bilge, 120VAC sump) and/or hand pump

Batteries for inverter(s) - e.g. 12V Deep Cycle

Inverter(s) small 12V inverter, UPS wired with external battery

battery charger to recharge batteries? : the generator has 12V battery charger output

secure loose items outside ( Chairs, trash cans, flower pots, barbecue grill &c.)

plywood - shutters